
Happy New Year 2011, and my plans to declutter, learn, create and experience!

>Earlier in 2010, I created a “30 Before 30” list of things I want to accomplish before I turn 30.

The other day, I took a hard look at it and reorganized and edited the list.

I’ve managed to knock off 2 items — I found THE purse, the one I’ll carry for years and years, and I found a go-to wine. But most of the other items have yet to be touched on.

I divided each item into one of four categories: 1) Get my learn on, 2) Clear the clutter, 3) Create, create, and 4) Travel and experience.

The deadline on this list is February 2013. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll be able to accomplish all of it. But I’m going to try my hardest.

Two of my goals are fitness-related. One is to lose 55 lbs. Yes kids, I weigh 34 lbs. more than I did at my wedding in April 2009. I think some of the gain is medication-related, and I’m about to make some adjustments there, but most of it can be chalked up to bad choices. To those who say, “You always gain weight after getting married!” — well, that’s no joke. Make it your goal to not just look good in a wedding dress, but look good for life. So, my goal is to knock off those 34 lbs., and another 20 or so after that.

My other goal is to run a 5K. I’ve never been a great athlete, or a great runner. I’m not expecting to break any land speed records here. I just want to say, “I did it.” And feel good about it.

For the month of January, I’ll be walking The Mango daily and getting back into Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred video. Then in February, the husband and I are rejoining the YMCA and will begin working out the way we did before the wedding — 2 to 3 times pr week, with 30-45 minutes of cardio and a circuit through the weight machines. For the cardio portion, I’m going to do the Couch to 5K program on the treadmill. Then, I hope to run in a 5K by mid-year!

Wish me luck on my goals. I hope you all will help to motivate and cheer me on. You can find me on SparkPeople too!

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